Today's post continues the creation process for a breakline dynamic block. Here's where we left off last time, with independent stretch actions on the left and right ends of the breakline:
The last thing I want to do is add a rotation action. Sure, you could use the regular rotate command, or grip-edit the block, but having an action to rotate the breakline seems faster to me, since you've already got the block selected to change its end points. If you don't want to rotate your breakline with an action, you certainly don't have to.
As usual, I'll start by adding the rotation parameter. I'll pick the center, the radius, and the default rotation angle. Since our breakline starts out horizontal, that default angle is 0. Non-zero default angles come in handy when your default state is not horizontal. Then, any rotation can be done incrementally, instead of having to do the math back to zero. Anyway, here's what it looks like:
For a rotation parameter, the grip location is fairly arbitrary. Just put it somewhere where it'll be obvious what it affects. And there's that exclamation point again -- I'll double click on it to create the rotate action.
After double-clicking, the first prompt is to select objects. That's because, unlike linear parameters, rotation parameters can have only one action type. So there's no need to prompt you with a choice.
I select the polyline and the two distance parameters (so that the stretch grips rotate with the line), and I'm done.
Now I have a dynamic block with 3 possible actions -- stretch the left end, stretch the right end, and rotate.
On Monday, I'll post a video showing the creation process start-to-finish.
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