It's been a while since I posted about table functions, so I thought I'd dedicate this week to them.
First up are table grips. Just like dynamic blocks, tables have lots of specialized grips to help you edit them, and it's important to know the difference between their functions.
When you left-click once on a table, the entire table is highlighted. The image below shows the grips you'll see and their purpose.
Entire Table Selected
(click on the image for a larger version)
Most of the grips are straightforward, but the one tricky bit is that to resize a SINGLE column (and move the others) you have to left-click once on the grip, then press and hold CTRL before you left-click again to define the new width.
When you click again on the border of a cell, different grips appear with different behaviors.
Single Cell Selected
(click on the image for a larger version)
See this post for more on Autofill.
Finally, it's possible to select a range of cells by clicking-and-dragging to define your selection area. This is probably the ONLY time in AutoCAD LT where you actually need to hold the left button down as you move the mouse. (Okay, so the other exception might be selecting a range of text to edit. But honestly, that's it. The rest of the time, click once and let go, then click again. No need to press down forever.)
Multiple Cells Selected
(click on image for larger version)
Really, the only difference in the grip behavior between having many cells selected and one is that the change in distance is equally applied across all the selected rows or columns instead of just one.
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