I like to think I usually have a pretty good idea of when a certain feature or command was added to AutoCAD LT. But I was surprised to realize that today's tip has been around since as far back as AutoCAD LT 2005. Now I've learned my something new for the day!
Anyway, this under-the-radar command is TEXTTOFRONT, and while it's under the Draw Order item on the Tools menu, it's not on any default toolbars or ribbon panels.
Its purpose is simple: to grab all text objects and/or dimension objects in your drawing and bring them in front of all other geometry. If you plot with "lines overwrite" turned on, this provides a quick and easy way to make sure none of your annotations get obscured by other lines.
(And if you're curious how I managed to track down the introduction date of this command, check out the excellent AutoCAD Command Reference at HyperPics.)
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