Despite the increasing responsiveness of the ribbon and the new flexibility of multifunctional grips for polylines and hatches, the command line is still one of the fastest ways to enter commands. And it gets even faster if you add your preferred 2- or 3- (or more) letter command aliases to your PGP file.
I’ve posted about the editing the PGP before, but the command to launch it has moved. It’s now on the Manage tab, Customization panel, “Edit Aliases.”
Once the file opens, scroll all the way to the bottom for the user-defined section. If you add your aliases here, they’ll override any that occur earlier in the file. That way, you have all you custom shortcuts in one place, and there’s no need to modify any existing ones
Be sure to use the proper format for your shortcuts: <alias><comma> <spaces> <asterisk> <command>. The exact number of spaces doesn’t matter, but the rest of does.
After you save your changes and close the file, go back into AutoCAD LT and run REINIT.
Check the box, click OK, and your new command aliases will be ready to use.
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