This post will probably be something that you store away for future reference, rather than something you put into practice right away. It’s about turning the command line on and off.
There are two ways to turn off the command line: COMMANDLINEHIDE and Ctrl+9. The first time you use either method, you’ll get a dialog asking if you’re sure you want to do this:
Conveniently, this dialog also tells you how to get the command line back again: Press Ctrl+9 again. (You can also use COMMANDLINE.)
Please note that I’m NOT recommending that you turn off your command line. Dynamic Input is great, but it’s not a replacement for being able to see options, input, and inquiry results with a quick glance at the bottom of the screen.
But if you want to give it a try, F2 will still show you your recent command history, even if the command line itself is turned off. More likely, though, this will be a bit of information you can file away for the next time one of your colleagues comes to you in a panic because his or her command line has gone missing – and you’ll know how to fix it!
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