I’ve posted about the audit and recover commands before, but I thought I’d use today’s post for a quick rundown of the commands and system variables associated with the process.
- AUDIT. Finds and fixes errors in the current drawing.
- RECOVER. Audits and opens the selected file(s).
- RECOVERALL. Like RECOVER, but includes xrefs.
- RECOVERAUTO. Controls whether you’re warned that the drawing you’re trying to be opened needs recovery, and whether AutoCAD LT automatically tries to recover it.
- RECOVERYMODE. Controls whether the information needed to recover a drawing is saved, and whether the Drawing Recovery Manager is opened when needed.
- DRAWINGRECOVERY. Opens the Drawing Recovery Manager.
- AUDITCTL. Specifies whether report files are created after AUDIT.
- REPORTERROR. Controls whether error reports are sent to Autodesk after crashes.
For the system variables, I’d leave all the default settings alone. They’re set to give you the maximum help (automatic recovers, Drawing Recover Manager, error reports) when a good drawing goes bad.
For the commands, I still hope you never have to use them…but they’re there if you do.