Every chance I get these days, I find myself talking about the benefit of right-click shortcut menus. (When in doubt, right-click!) Even better, most people these days agree with me – almost nobody has them turned off anymore.
But even if you’re already a convert, you can add power to your right-click menus with a little customization.
Let’s take a look at the menu that appears when you’ve got a generic object selected – line, arc, circle, etc.
In the middle, there’s a section with a bunch of editing commands: Erase, Mirro, Copy, Scale, Rotate, and Draw Order. But if you compare it to the Modify panel of the ribbon, there’s a big omission: Mirror.
Let’s fix that.
Shortcut menus are stored where most other UI elements are, in the CUI.
There are a ton of them in here, and it’s not always obvious which one you want.
(These are just the defaults, too – you can always make more.)
In this case, since we want to add Mirror to the existing command group, we can just expand the menus until we find the one we need.
It happens to be the Edit Menu.
To add Mirror to this group, it’s as easy as searching for it in the Command pane and dragging-and-dropping it into place.
When you’re done, and press OK to save your changes and exit the CUI editor, you can see that Mirror has now taken its place in the right-click shortcut menu.
P.S. Don’t forget to take the Object Enablers Survey. It’s super-short, and every response counts!
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