Today’s tip comes to you courtesy of Robin Capper of RobiNZ CAD Blog. He’s been testing Windows 8 (which is NOT yet supported for AutoCAD, so please don’t try it), and came across this handy tip for Windows 7 users.
You probably know that even though the path bar in Windows Explorer usually looks like this:
You can click in it to get a path to copy, so it looks like this:
But what if you want the path you’re copying to include the file name, too? Turns out if you Shift+RightClick on the file name, there’s an option to “Copy as path.”
Click that, and you’ll get this: "C:\Users\morrick\Documents\Datasets\AutoCAD 2013\Dataset\Array_ElevatorCar.dwg"
Just remember that this isn’t in the regular right-click menu—you have to press Shift while you right-click. (I actually never knew there were different kinds of right-click menus in Windows, even though we have them in AutoCAD.)
Read the rest of Robin’s post for more information—thanks, Robin!
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